Sustainable Savings
SustainTech’s energy solutions and equipment will save you significant money year after year after year. Every penny we help you save on electricity goes straight to your bottom line.
Practical Sustainability
Reduce your carbon footprint
Reduce your carbon footprint
Of all the paths to sustainability, most are impractical for businesses. Some call for vast tracts of new forestland. Some work only intermittently, depending on the time of day and the weather. Some depend on alternate fuels that cost more but deliver less in
the way of usable energy. And some “reduce” your carbon footprint by moving it elsewhere.
Make Sustainability Pay
Since the early 1990s, we’ve focused on engineering and technology solutions that help businesses, nonprofits and government agencies optimize and streamline their systems
Proven Technologies
Proven Technologies
But there are proven technologies that can significantly reduce your carbon footprint by putting a dent in what the EPA identifies as the second-largest source of greenhouse emissions – electricity generation. They’re technologies that cut your power usage without cutting back on your lighting, your climate control, or any other part of your operations that depends on electricity. So they can slash your monthly electric bills enough to pay back your investment in two years or less.
Money Back
SustainTech’s onsite evaluation doesn’t just show you how to save with technological updates and improvements. We also help you save even more, with federal and state
Grow your bottom line
Grow your bottom line
For example, installing LED lighting can save you up to 40% of your lighting costs.
Retrofitting your HVAC-R system with more efficient motors and lighter-weight fan blades can save as much as 60%. Industries that are particularly electricity-intensive – such as cold storage, hydrogen production, hospitals, supermarkets, data centers, and cannabis growers – can save even more without affecting operations.
And the less electricity your business uses, the less fossil fuel that utilities will have to burn to generate it.